Wild Faith Family - Road Trip

Wild Faith Family - Road Trip

The What and Why of Our Wild Faith Road Trip


We decided a year ago that we were going to go to Tennessee to attend the Teach Them Diligently Conference. Rebecca Spooner of Gather Round Homeschool was going to speak, and Britt and I are huge fans of her curriculum. We also wanted to see Dollywood because we had heard how wonderful it was. So, we decided to go on this trip well before we had a very clear idea of the big changes that God had waiting around the corner for us. Luckily for us, God had plans bigger than the home school conference and bigger than Dollywood for this trip!

Wild Faith Family Camping on Road Trip Flagstaff AZ

The recent life changes Britt and I have experienced, have required us to live on Faith, and soon we would learn (on this trip) just what living on faith really looked like. As the trip approached in the distance I begin to feel as though God had specific intentions for this trip. In hindsight, I had always received a certain familiar feeling when God had intentions to use something in my life for His will. That familiar feeling was clearly evident, for months leading up to the trip. I couldn’t place my finger on the reasons for certain, but I knew it had to be something important.

Wild Faith Family @ Duck Commander LA

I hoped it meant that maybe my new business would start providing more income or possibly this trip would answer the question of how we were going to make a living. As it was, our savings were dwindling down, and I knew this trip was the last thing we were going to be able to afford before I was going to have to try and get additional work. I feel like God has been calling me to something in a remote capacity and so I have been trying to grow my technical skills during this time with my family. Maybe this trip was going to answer the question of income. Maybe this trip was going to provide insights into the future of where my family could build a homestead and ministry. I couldn’t determine with any clarity, the specifics of why God wanted us on this trip, It didn’t matter though because I knew God had something for me to learn while on this trip. That was good enough for me, even if we had to spend our last dollars on it.  

Even though we had no clue how God was going to use this trip, I knew He had called me to grow in stewarding every opportunity with careful consideration. This trip was a perfect opportunity for me to practice filming and editing, as well as provide new topics to write about. Learning all these new skills (videography, editing, advertising, web design) has really taken a bite out of my writing. This trip provided more opportunities for me to publish fresh blog posts. I’m not saying that’s what God's purpose was for this trip, but God wants us to work diligently at whatever we pursue (Colossians 3:23).

In conclusion, this trip is first about God wanting us to go on it and second everything else. 😊 So, time for a thirteen-state adventure, where God provided us a lot of experiences and pushed my “Faith having ability” to the limits, while teaching me some valuable lessons. This trip was a Wild Faith Family adventure we will never forget!

Thank You for Your Support!


 Wild Faith Family at the Ark Encounter Kentucky


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